- Forms in Hugo - Frontend stuff Mar 1 A little guide on how to implement Forms in Hugo. Part 2
- Forms in Hugo - Backend stuff Jan 1 A little guide on how to implement Forms in Hugo. Part 1
- Changes to ungoogled-chromium script Apr 24 ungoogled-chromium doesn't provide an update mechanism out-of-the-box, so I made one. This article focuses on the changes made in the script
- Update ungoogled-chromium Nov 5 ungoogled-chromium doesn't provide an update mechanism out-of-the-box, so I made one. Don't worry, I will share the script with you along with what everything is doing in a simple language so that you can be at ease
- Bitwarden on Google Cloud for Free Nov 5 Self-hosting bitwarden instance on google cloud for exactly 0 currency
- Decoding Facebook Feb 27 Facebook (Now Meta) loves you, so does the social engineers, for you being so naive