INTJ Personality


This document contains detailed information about the INTJ Personality Profile.

This personality profile comes with the following analysis:

  • Trait Profiles (summaries)
  • Strengths and Weaknesses
  • Relationships (Romantic , Parents, Friends)
  • Personal growth (Career path , & Work Place Habits)

INTJ Characteristics

  1. INTJ in a Nutshell

INTJs are analytical problem-solvers, eager to improve systems and processes with their innovative ideas. They have a talent for seeing possibilities for improvement, whether at work, at home, or in themselves. Often intellectual, INTJs enjoy logical reasoning and complex problemsolving. They approach life by analyzing the theory behind what they see, and are typically focused inward, on their own thoughtful study of the world around them. INTJs are drawn to logical systems and are much less comfortable with the unpredictable nature of other people and their emotions. They are typically independent and selective about their relationships, preferring to associate with people who they find intellectually stimulating.

  1. What Makes the INTJ Tick

INTJs are perceptive about systems and strategy, and often understand the world as a chess board to be navigated. They want to understand how systems work, and how events proceed: the INTJ often has a unique ability to foresee logical outcomes. They enjoy applying themselves to a project or idea in depth, and putting in concentrated effort to achieve their goals.

INTJs have a hunger for knowledge and strive to constantly increase their competence; they are often perfectionists with extremely high standards of performance for themselves and others. They tend to have a keen interest in self-improvement and are lifelong learners, always looking to add to their base of information and awareness.

  1. Recognizing an INTJ

INTJs are typically reserved and serious, and seem to spend a lot of time thinking. They are curious about the world around them and often want to know the principle behind what they see. They thoroughly examine the information they receive, and if asked a question, will typically consider it at length before presenting a careful, complex answer. INTJs think critically and clearly, and often have an idea about how to do something more efficiently. They can be blunt in their presentation, and often communicate in terms of the larger strategy, leaving out the details.

Although INTJs aren’t usually warm or particularly gregarious, they tend to have a self-assured manner with people based on their own security in their intelligence. They relate their ideas with confidence, and once they have arrived at a conclusion they fully expect others to see the wisdom in their perceptions. They are typically perfectionists and appreciate an environment of intellectual challenge. They enjoy discussing interesting ideas, and may get themselves into trouble because of their take-no- prisoners attitude: if someone’s beliefs don’t make logical sense, the Mastermind typically has no qualms about pointing that out.

  1. INTJ in the Population

INTJ is the third rarest type in the population, and the rarest type among women (with ENTJ). INTJs make up:

  • 2% of the general population
  • 1% of women
  • 3% of men
  1. Popular Hobbies

Popular hobbies for the INTJ include reading, cultural events, taking classes, appreciating art, computers and video games, and independent sports such as swimming, backpacking, or running marathons.

  1. What the Experts Say

“INTJs are the most independent of all the sixteen types and take more or less conscious pride in that independence.”

Isabel Briggs Myers, Gifts Differing

“Difficulties are highly stimulating to INTJs, who love responding to a problem that requires a creative solution.”

David Keirsey, Please Understand Me II

“Their capacity for intellectual and conceptual clarity gives INTJs both vision and the will to see it through to completion—leadership qualities that are prized in our society.”

Otto Kroeger, Type Talk at Work


  1. High self-confidence

INTJ personalities rarely doubt themselves or care much about their perceived social roles, expectations, etc. Consequently, they are not afraid to voice their own opinions. This exudes confidence and reinforces the INTJ’s self-esteem even further.

  1. Quick and versatile mind

INTJs are very good at improving their knowledge of (often diverse) topics and fields that interest them. People with this personality type take pleasure in tackling intellectual challenges, and their natural curiosity pushes them forward as well.

  1. Jacks-of-all-trades

The most important strength of any INTJ is their mind. Other personality types pride themselves on being artistic, intuitive, convincing, athletic, etc. In contrast, INTJs excel at being able to analyze anything that life throws at them, uncovering the underlying methodology and then applying it in practice. Consequently, INTJ personalities are usually able to become what they want to become—be it an IT architect or a high-flying politician.

  1. Independent and decisive

People with the INTJ personality type are ruthless when it comes to analyzing the usefulness of methods or ideas. They could not care less if that idea is popular or supported by an authority figure. If the INTJ believes that it does not make sense, only overwhelming rational arguments will convince them otherwise. This strength makes them efficient and impartial decision-makers, often at a very young age. INTJs also tend to be quite resistant to conflicts, usually remaining rational and calm in an emotionally charged situation.

  1. Hard-working and determined

INTJ personalities can be very patient and dedicated if something excites or intrigues them. They will work hard to achieve their goals, often ignoring everything else. That being said, INTJs may also appear lazy in situations that do not require them to flex their mental muscles. For instance, they may take risks and not study that hard at school, knowing that in all likelihood, they will be able to tackle the tests anyway.

  1. Imaginative and strategic

INTJs are very good strategic thinkers, often using this strength to devise multiple contingency plans in both professional and personal situations. They like to plan ahead and be prepared, imagining all the scenarios and consequences.


  1. Arrogant

There is a fine line between confidence and arrogance. Some less mature INTJs may overestimate the importance of their knowledge or analytical skills, seeing most other people as irrational or intellectually inferior, often making their opinion known.

  1. Perfectionists

INTJ personalities loathe inefficiency and imperfection, trying very hard to iron out all the flaws and analyze all possibilities. If left unchecked, this trait can easily become a weakness, slowing down their work quite significantly and frustrating people around the INTJ.

  1. Likely to overanalyze everything

INTJs tend to believe that everything can be analyzed, even things that are not necessarily rational, e.g., human relationships. They may seek logical explanations and solutions in every situation, refusing to rely on improvisation or their own emotions.

  1. Judgmental

INTJs reach their conclusions very quickly and stick to them. Even though people with this personality type tend to be open-minded, they have little patience for things they consider illogical, e.g., decisions based on feelings, irrational stubbornness, emotional outbursts, etc. An INTJ is likely to believe that someone who behaves in this way is either very immature or irrational; consequently, they will have little respect for them.

  1. May be insensitive

INTJ personalities often pride themselves on being brutally honest and logical. However, while their statements may be rational and completely correct, they may not take into account another person’s emotional state, background, individual circumstances, etc. Consequently, the INTJ’s directness and honesty may easily hurt other people, thus becoming a major weakness in social situations.

  1. Often clueless when it comes to romantic relationships

Many INTJs are likely to have difficulties dealing with anything that does not require logical reasoning, and this weakness is especially visible in interpersonal relationships. They may overanalyze everything, get frustrated trying to understand how the other person thinks, try to use a nearly scientific approach to dating, or just give up altogether.

Romantic Relationships

  1. INTJ Communication Style

INTJs are direct and detached in their communication. They often naturally see how something could be done better and usually communicate their criticism in a straightforward, logical manner. They are typically independent and calm. They are not so much concerned about being liked or appreciated as they are with being competent and thoughtful. Their communications are typically well thought-out, insightful, and strategic. They often plan well into the future and offer big-picture analysis for improving systems.

  1. INTJs as Partners

In relationships, the INTJ is loyal but independent. INTJs can be almost scientific in choosing a mate and make devoted partners once they have found a match that fits their rigorous list of requirements. They often have clear ideas about what makes for a solid relationship and are unwavering in their pursuit of this ideal.

INTJs often have a passion for self-improvement and are encouraging oftheir partners’ goals and intellectual pursuits. However, they do not usually see the need for frivolous affection or romance, feeling that their devotion should be evident. They are more focused on serving their partners with hard work and resourceful problem-solving than they are on showering them with attention. INTJs’ partners often find them difficult to read, and indeed they do not show emotion easily; they find the process of discussing emotions much too messy and disorganized. They enjoy solving difficult problems, but are often out of their depth when it comes to illogical, unpredictable personal issues. INTJs value a partner that allows them the independence to achieve their goals, and one who appreciates their efficacy, insight, and ability to offer creative solutions to problems.

  1. INTJs have significant difficulties when it comes to Relationships

INTJs spend a large part of their lives in their heads; consequently, what they see and understand intuitively can be much more advanced than a “bland” reality. As a result, someone with the INTJ personality may find it challenging to merge that fantasy and those high requirements with reality. Unfortunately, their superior logic and imagination may actually hinder the INTJ when they start looking for a partner. People with this personality type are likely to apply a rational approach to dating and relationships as well. An INTJ is likely to have a “checklist” in their mind long before they actually start thinking about a relationship. It is also likely that “he/she must be rational” will be at the top of their list of criteria—and this is exactly what usually holds the INTJ back, especially if they are male.

There are certain rules (e.g., do not appear too interested) and types of behavior (e.g., a girl should not start the conversation) that a personinterested in finding a dating partner is expected to follow, and unfortunately for INTJs, the majority of people will follow those rules. Even those potential partners who an INTJ would normally see as rational will probably yield to societal expectations. Consequently, INTJs are likely to get quite disappointed after the first few attempts at dating and may even start thinking that everybody else is either irrational or intellectually inferior.

  1. INTJs may attract a romantic partner when actually not looking for one

Paradoxically, someone with the INTJ personality is most likely to attract a romantic partner when they are not actually looking for one. As most INTJs have difficulties with dating and relationships, their self-confidence takes a major hit in those situations, and the INTJ then overcompensates by showing off their intelligence, which makes them even more unattractive. Only when the INTJ returns to his or her usual self does their self-confidence start glowing again, which makes it much easier for them to attract a partner.

INTJs are uncomfortable expressing their feelings or trying to understand the emotions of other people. They also have a tendency to always trust their knowledge and understanding. Not surprisingly, INTJs can sometimes inadvertently hurt other people, especially during the dating phase and even later in the relationship. The mind of the INTJ personality is geared toward looking at conflict situations as logical puzzles worthy of analysis, which does not always help when their relationship partner does not share the same notion of fun.

  1. From the standpoint of sexual intimacy

Sexually, INTJs are likely to be very imaginative and enthusiastic. The above fact hold true provided that their partner is willing to reciprocate. However, it is important that the INTJ does not fall into a habit of spending more time theorizing about intimacy than communicating with their partner.

  1. Preferred partners

ENFP and ENTP types, as their Extraversion (E) and Prospecting (P) traits counterbalance INTJs’ Introversion (I) and Judging (J) traits. INFJs are also a very strong match as the intuitive connection between INTJ and INFJ is likely to be instantaneous.


  1. INTJs as Parents

As parents, INTJs are devoted and supportive. They set firm limits and provide consistent reinforcement, but within that structure allow a lot of latitude for their children to explore their own interests and potential. They are encouraging of their children’s intellectual pursuits and enthusiastic about sharing knowledge. INTJs enjoy the process of developing a young mind, and get a lot of satisfaction from parenting. They want to develop productive, competent, and self-sufficient children who think for themselves.

  1. Not usually considered ideal for Parenting

INTJ personality traits are not usually considered ideal as far as parenting is concerned. INTJs tend to be very rational, perfectionistic, and relatively insensitive individuals, which goes against the stereotypical image of warm, caring, traditional parents. However, it could be said that this is simply a reflection of the fact that society is dominated by more sensitive and traditional personality types. In contrast, INTJ parents are more likely to focus on making sure that their children grow up to be able to make independent and rational decisions.

  1. Have difficulties in supporting their children emotionally

Not surprisingly, people with the INTJ personality type will probably have difficulties supporting their children emotionally. They will be excellent advisors when it comes to planning, rational advice, help with studies, etc., but INTJ parents are unlikely to know how to react when their child asks for their help with a matter that is emotional in nature. INTJs are used to suppressing their own emotions and will struggle if their child is very sensitive. There are many other personality types that have difficulties in this area, but INTJ personalities are likely to find this especially difficult.

INTJ’s children are well prepared to deal with challenge. Most INTJ parents will be able to ensure that their children are very well prepared to deal with the challenges that life throws their way. They will likely be demanding yet liberal and open-minded parents, encouraging their children to develop and use their own mind instead of trying to protect them from the world as long as possible.


  1. INTJ as Friends

People with the INTJ personality type tend to have more success in developing friendships than they do with romantic relationships, but they none-the-less suffer from many of the same setbacks, substituting rational processes for emotional availability. This intellectual distance tends to go both ways, making INTJs notoriously difficult to read and get to know, and making INTJs not want to bother reading anyone they think isn’t on their level. Overcoming these hurdles is often all but impossible without the sort of instant connection made possible by sharing the Intuitive (N) trait.

  1. It’s not easy to become an INTJ’s friend

People with this personality type value rationality and intelligence more than anything else and tend to automatically assume that most of the individuals they meet are likely to be less intelligent than they are. Most would probably call it arrogance; INTJs would rationalize this as a natural filtering mechanism and argue that most people simply bore them. Consequently, INTJs tend to have very few good friends, but they also do not really see the need to have a big social circle.

INTJ personalities are likely to be very knowledgeable, intelligent friends, but they are notoriously difficult to get to know, and few people have the patience and determination to get through their shields. The INTJ’s mind is always buzzing with ideas, riddles, and solutions. In contrast, though, communicating with other people is often more a nuisance than a pleasure for an INTJ. Consequently, INTJs tend to be very picky when it comes to choosing friends. If the other person has significantly different interests or simply cannot cope with the INTJ’s endless stream of ideas, it is unlikely that the INTJ will see them as close friends.

  1. INTJs are very independent and self-sufficient

They see their friends more as intellectual soul mates than as sources of social validation and assurance. INTJs will happily come up with new ways to improve and deepen the relationship, but they will not be dependent on their friends emotionally. Furthermore, it is quite unlikely that the INTJ will enjoy physical manifestations of feelings (hugs, touches, etc.), even with close friends.

INTJ friends will also find that people with this personality type are very difficult to “read.” Not only are INTJs comparatively unemotional, they are also likely to try to suppress emotions that get through their mental filters. Emotions are definitely the INTJ’s Achilles’ heel, so they do their best to not let them through, for fear of breaching that shield of logic and rationality. And vice versa, INTJs may be quite insensitive when it comes to their friends’ feelings. In all likelihood, the INTJ would honestly have no clue how to react to something on the emotional level.

  1. INTJ’s Friendship Is Precious

When they are in their comfort zone though, among people they know and respect, INTJs have no trouble relaxing and enjoying themselves. Their sarcasm and dark humor are not for the faint of heart, nor for those who struggle to read between the lines, but they make for fantastic story-telling among those who can keep up.

This more or less limits their pool of friends to fellow Analysts (NT) and Diplomat (NF) types, as Observant (S) type’s preference for more straightforward communication often simply leaves both parties frustrated. It’s not easy to become good friends with INTJs. Rather than traditional rules of social conduct or shared routine, INTJs have exacting expectations for intellectual prowess, uncompromising honesty and a mutual desire to grow and learn as sovereign individuals. INTJs are gifted, bright and development-oriented, and expect and encourage their friends to share this attitude. Anyone falling short of this will be labeled a bore – anyone meeting these expectations will appreciate them of their own accord, forming a powerful and stimulating friendship that will stand the test of time.

Career Path

  1. INTJ at work

At work, the INTJ excels at creating and implementing innovative solutions to analytical problems. They naturally see possibilities for improvement within complex systems and are organized and determined in implementing their ideas for change. INTJs are comfortable with abstraction and theory but gain the most satisfaction from turning their ideas into reality. They often enjoy working independently or with a small team, taking measured, strategic steps to implement change.

INTJs enjoy working with logical systems that they can understand in depth. They enjoy the challenge of comprehending complex ideas, and want to understand how they can improve the way things work. The ideal work environment for an INTJ is logical, efficient, structured, and analytical, with colleagues that are competent, intelligent, and productive. The ideal job for a Mastermind allows them to use their analytical skills to problem-solve in a challenging environment, and to take responsibility for implementing their ideas to create efficient, innovative systems.

  1. INTJ career facts

Earn more, on average, when self-employed Second least likely of all types to report being a stay-at-home parent.

  1. Professional competence is often the area in which INTJs shine most brilliantly

Their capacity for digesting difficult and complex theories and principles and converting them into clear and actionable ideas and strategies is unmatched by any other type. INTJs are able to filter out the noise of a situation, identifying the core thread that needs to be pulled in order to unravel other’s messes so that they can be rewoven into something at once beautifully intricate and stunningly simple in its function.

The real challenge for INTJs is that in order for their innovative (and to less insightful individuals, seemingly counter-intuitive) ideas to be heard, they need to have a friendly ear to bend, and developing an amiable rapport with authority figures is not exactly in INTJ’s list of core strengths.

In their early careers, INTJs will often have to suffer through menial tasks and repeated rejections as they develop their abilities into a skillset that speaks for itself.

  1. Career to Consider
  • Architect
  • Artist
  • Designer
  • Inventor
  • Scientist/Scientific Researcher
  • Scientist Life & Physical
  • Attorney: Litiator orCommercial
  • Judge
  • Manager
  • Writer/Editor
  • News Writer
  • News Analyst
  • Administrator
  • Investment/Business Analyst
  • Human Resource Planners
  • Management Consultant
  • Research Workers
  • Strategic Planner
  • Psychologist
  • Psychiatrist
  • Neurologist
  • Cardiologist
  • Pharmacologist
  • Social Service Worker
  • Computer Professional
  • Computer Systems Analyst
  • Computer Programmer
  • Technician
  • Engineer
  • Environmental Planner
  • University Teacher
  • Biomedical Engineer
  • Design Engineer
  1. Where’s My Drawing Board?

INTJs tend to prefer to work alone, or at most in small groups, where they can maximize their creativity and focus without repeated interruptions from questioning colleagues and meetings-happy supervisors. For this reason INTJs are unlikely to be found in strictly administrative roles or anything that requires constant dialogue and heavy teamwork. Rather, INTJs prefer more “lone wolf” positions as mechanical or software engineers, lawyers or freelance consultants, only accepting competent leadership that helps in these goals, and rejecting the authority of those who hold them back.

Their independent attitude and tireless demand for competence mean that INTJs absolutely loathe those who get ahead by seemingly less meritocratic means like social prowess and political connections. INTJs have exceptionally high standards, and if they view a colleague or supervisor as incompetent or ineffective, respect will be lost instantly and permanently.

INTJs value personal initiative, determination, insight and dedication, and believe that everyone should complete their work to the highest possible standards – if a schmoozing shill breezes through without carrying their own weight, they may find INTJ’s inventiveness and determination used in a whole new capacity as the winds turn against them.

Workplace Habits

  1. INTJ Colleagues

Active teamwork is not ideal for people with the INTJ personality type. Fiercely independent and private, INTJs use their nimble minds and nsight to deflect personal talk, avoid workplace tension, and create situations where they aren’t slowed down by those less intelligent, less capable, or less adaptable to more efficient methods. Instead, they will likely poke fun by forcing them to read between the lines and making them deal alone with work that could have been easier if they’d only taken INTJ’s suggestions.

INTJs are brilliant analysts, and will likely gather a small handful of trusted colleagues to involve in their brainstorming sessions, excluding those who get too hung up on details, or who otherwise have yet to earn their respect. But more likely, INTJs will simply take the initiative alone. INTJs love embracing challenges and their consequent responsibilities, and their perfectionism and determination usually mean that the work comes out clean and effective, affording INTJs the twin joys of solitude and victory.

  1. INTJ Managers

Though they may be surprised to hear it, INTJs make natural leaders, and this shows in their management style. INTJs value innovation and effectiveness more than just about any other quality, and they will gladly cast aside hierarchy, protocol and even their own beliefs if they are presented with rational arguments about why things should change. INTJs promote freedom and flexibility in the workplace, preferring to engage their subordinates as equals, respecting and rewarding initiative and adopting an attitude of “to the best mind go the responsibilities”, directing strategy while more capable hands manage the day-to-day tactics. But this sort of freedom isn’t just granted, it’s required – those who are accustomed to just being told what to do, who are unable to direct themselves and challenge existing notions, will have a hard time meeting INTJ’s extremely high standards.

Efficiency and results is king to INTJs, and behaviors that undermine these conditions are quashed mercilessly. If subordinates try to compensate for their weakness in these areas by trying to build a social relationship with their INTJ managers, on their heads be it – office gossip and schmoozing are not the way into INTJs’ hearts – only bold competence will do.

  1. INTJ Subordinates

INTJs are independent people, and they quickly become frustrated if they find themselves pushed into tightly defined roles that limit their freedom. With the direction of a properly liberal manager, INTJs will establish themselves in a position of expertise, completing their work not with the ambition of managerial promotion, but for its own intrinsic merit. INTJs require and appreciate firm, logical managers who are able to direct efforts with competence, deliver criticism when necessary, and back up those decisions with sound reason.

Note that it is INTJs’ expectations of their managers that are being defined here, and not the other way around, as with some other personality types. Titles mean little to INTJs – trust and respect are earned and INTJs expect this to be a two way street, receiving and delivering advice, criticisms and results. INTJs expect their managers to be intelligent enough and strong enough to be able to handle this paradigm. A silent INTJ conveys a lack of respect better than all their challenges ever will.